HIV-associated wasting is a serious but treatable condition. When left untreated, it is linked to higher mortality and faster disease progression.1,2

In one study, weight loss of ≥ 5% in 6 months or ≥ 3% from baseline was a significant predictor of mortality.2

Consider assessing your patients at each visit for HIV-associated wasting by:

Patient types

Patient types

HIV-associated wasting can affect anyone living with HIV, including those who:

  • are newly diagnosed3
  • are a long-term survivors4
  • have their virus well-controlled on ART5,6
  • are on ART and are losing weight without trying3
  • are on ART and have, or have had, an HIV/AIDS-related infection5
  • are living with advanced HIV disease3
  • are on ART, but your viral load has not gone down5
  • have been prescribed ART, but are not taking it as directed5

Download a list of questions you can ask to engage your patients in a dialogue about their unintentional weight loss.

Patient profiles*

HIV-associated wasting is not always easy to diagnose. These patient profiles may help you have a more productive conversation with your patients so you can recognize this condition when you see it.

The people depicted on this website are not actual HIV-associated wasting patients or healthcare professionals.

Learn more about a specific treatment option for HIV-associated wasting.


  1. Dudgeon WD, Phillips KD, Carson JA, Brewer RB, Durstine JL, Hand GA. Counteracting muscle wasting in HIV-infected individuals. HIV Med. 2006;7(5):299-310.
  2. Tang AM, Jacobson DL, Spiegelman D, Knox TA, Wanke C. Increasing risk of 5% or greater unintentional weight loss in a cohort of HIV-infected patients, 1995 to 2003. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2005;40(1):70-76.
  3. Falutz J. Growth hormone and HIV infection: contribution to disease manifestations and clinical implications. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011;25(3):517-529.
  4. Macallan DC. Wasting in HIV infection and AIDS. J Nutr. 1999;129(1S suppl):238S-242S.
  5. Wasserman P, Segal-Maurer S, Wehbeh W, Rubin DS. Wasting disease, chronic immune activation, and inflammation in the HIV-infected patient. Top Clin Nutr. 2011;26(1):14-28.
  6. Erlandson KM et al. Long-term impact of HIV wasting on physical function. AIDS. 2016;30(3):445-454.